Put an evening at the theater (the new one in Vicenza), put the big media event with the presence of the great politicians of the moment, many journalists and many people who "count" in the life of our country.
Let's admit that they go with the good will live to hear certain things and see some characters, we also important issues such as federalism, the work, the crisis. We have in the end you go there to try to understand more, to try to find a harmony in all this chaos.
Here is a summary of the evening last night (June 9), organized by the three hundred and Enrico Letta, Member of the Democratic Party. There is talk of federalism, the government of the north, to the economic crisis (and very badly), the evening also runs off rather nicely with several interventions and several mayors (Orsoni, varied and Zanon) and the Secretary of the economy of the current government.
Treat a bit 'of the last regional vote that brought the Northern League to win big here in the Po valley, especially in Veneto. Trying to figure out what position to take, or if you can try to form an alliance or whether or not to impress a struggle across the board. All apparently very constructive. But, because otherwise I would have written, but all very very incisive.
Ok that is not a night when talking about economy, crisis and work, but at the very beginning I hear the usual things a bit 'DISCOUNT on stage: the north is a great resource, the Veneto is a region to be taken as an example and so many beautiful meal confetti thrown in the audience. And I now my thoughts go to all those times I've heard in election campaign (but much earlier) that the Venetians are a great people, we have a great sense of effort, we are a model for Italy. And there I stop and think: "Great people, a model of Italy?" But still all we are the region among the most polluted cities in Europe (I speak of the air) but at the same time we have the second or third largest reserve of the old continent of water. I've already written on the previous post and I shall not tire of repeating, how can we call ourselves a great nation if we ruin, waste and pollution of our natural resources? Part of my analysis here of the evening, I have not heard anyone who has spoken on the stage of economic development, environmental protection, safety, public water, or even banks, public debt, economic crisis. There was talk of political strategies, alliances and future scenarios. Only one lone voice of Massimo Busi (if I am not mistaken president of the province of Forli-Cesena), which at one point said that when the early morning goes to the bar is in front of people who talk about work and crisis, how to make ends meet, and certainly does not speak policies or strategies to amend the constitution. Applause and go forward.
We are in a situation upside down, where they are in the most serious global crisis ever seen, the ruling class should already have the hands of ideas, ways out, the alternatives to this model based on destructive capitalism and based on the debt. But you wonder about what is best to do, where and with whom it is better to get it is better to go. Meanwhile, the sinking Greece, Spain 5 million unemployed, we are many, Germany is launching a maneuver by EUR 80 billion, Japan sets the alarm about the debt and around Europe and the U.S. debt sovereigns are creaking the whole shebang.
After last night, are even more convinced that this political class and this government is only vivacchiando and there is concealing the truth until this crisis is resolved somehow by itself (but will be solved?), While going to ask for blood so that their people say they want to protect from outside speculators. In our blood and tears, pension reform (but why do it if the Social Security this year has ended with a surplus of good management), others (banks) great saves in the blackmail that if we fail them all down . I might say that this maneuver on increasing the retirement age was agreed in Europe, well, then that We're making our parliament if now only needs to implement EU directives and make us swallow? It is an issue of sovereignty, where the citizens, the most vulnerable, are left on the sidelines and cheated, you cheated, by the very ones who have asked us a vote in exchange for the many beautiful promises.
Then the points on which to work for me are these:
- we face the serious problem of public debt (monetary sovereignty etc etc)
- defense of the real work of the Italian (the only welfare as it may be right, is a model that generates further indifference)
- we question a model where the goal is continued growth and infinite resources where are finite and non-renewable
- offer a public bank that will support young people and small / medium businesses
- no to nuclear and no to Tav
- resources and ideas to combat youth unemployment reached 30% now
There are dozens other topics, and it is essential to face without ideologies and alignments, I hate to hear me say that certain ideas are right or left, I do not care, this thing play right-left is a trick for chickens. We're all feeling it will be hard times where important decisions will be made and drastic, you might as well be in the forefront and make us feel, to pass an idea, fight not only for ourselves but for others, for our people, our community . Last night I heard this, I felt empty on many issues, on pressing issues and not be derogated. Mine is not an omen for those who read this article, my cry is because people start to get out of a vicious cycle that led us to the most serious economic crisis of all time. Remember that for the theoreticians of neo-liberalism and capitalism pushed, this crisis is not a side effect, but a situation, a necessary step, where some are still very enriching and where it's people like me make a difficult beast to keep head above water.
close with a small PS: Yesterday evening the event was scheduled to begin at 20.00, but after an hour of waiting a voice over the intercom announced: "The evening will begin in 5 minutes. Two considerations Shortcuts:
- or say directly that the evening starts at 21:15 so we take it easy without doing races like crazy
to arrive on time - or if you say it starts at 20.00 I expect that at most we start at 20.15 really, because I work as an employee that if I arrive an hour and a quarter late without telling anyone, the head the day after me: "Michael, come here to talk about it." Just to get us not to us idiots, and superficial and uncaring you. It is advice.
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