is a beautiful piece that I do not write on this blog, from November of last year or so, it's been a bit 'of time and a lot of things have happened, small or large , no matter good or bad, have happened and now belong to my story, my life.
I'm going to write in a moment of peace, on a sunny day but when cooled by a near-tropical storm. I write from the office in a lull towards the end of the evening (they are the 18.10), and I have many things running through my head, many thoughts that keep my busy day, and put me in front of this white paper allows me not to think, to calm my breathing.
I have not written from 7 months now primarily a general sense of hopelessness, negativity would not call, but simply reality. Why search for the truth than most realize that this world, this company is deceiving us, is leading us where only some want, is leading us weary and tired and we're slowly taking away our freedoms.
I watch TV, read newspapers and see the lies, the superficiality of a growing band of journalists, always ready to return the words of the powers that be, instead of analyzing and explaining to us. I see a social system that makes us live a false democracy, a false idea of \u200b\u200bpersonal freedom.
In these seven months of "silence" I just wanted to hear, read other sources (blogs have become my main source for the small and big issues), to think outside of who said what, and take done for what it was.
And beyond that which may or may not understand (there is a proverb that says: "Once you've learned something, forget it") I discovered something in the people I know and I attend, or that there are very few ready to change, few problems arise as the near future, very few know what this crisis we are experiencing.
And the figures (which I personally do not like but sometimes well explain the concept) confirm this, 80% of Italians are informed only by television, and television is essentially a dream where advertising does not see a product but an idea, a utopia where the information is completely subservient to politics and big lobby (banking, pharmaceutical and military).
Who cares about the water crisis if the supermarket shelves are packed with boxes of bottled water, who cares for world food crisis if we have food everywhere, who cares if the biodiesel is made from soybeans and other products that could feed millions of people? Among young people who are interested in the crisis of work until they are mom and dad to pay (not all, of course, there are a lot of guys who do flips).
them I'm putting a lot of topics, but not confusion, but because each is intertwined with another, each concerns our future, and I repeat I am not pessimistic but simply to see and feel this wrong as socio-economic model, perceive the government and politics as a big scam, as a self-referenced system where if you live in first class, but if you're out of touch you travel by foot and without air conditioning.
My dad the other day I shot a mail talking about the water and electric cars have existed for at least 10, for example, bought from different counties in California and then mysteriously disappeared from the market (but not too much). So where is the change, where is the much-vaunted progress of our party and our leadership after 10 years if we are left with huge machines that pollute and consume like trucks? And we still tease us with the "Sunday walk" with so many people running the streets free from cars but increasingly polluted. To give you one very recent example, the last regional elections, all (and I mean all) the candidates told us that the Veneto is a huge region, immersed in comfort and in wealth (material), which is the economic model to follow for the future and that we must transform our region in a metropolitan area. But what many do not say is that our region is one of Europe's most important areas for deposits of water, but we are also one of the most polluted areas around the continent. Someone has asked this question and tried to find a solution? Where is our greatness if we are destroying our environment?
Each time, especially in this time of grave economic crisis, you hear talk of change, out of the crisis, recovery and the future, but all these words indicate a change for the better for those who already have it power and a change for the worse for the weakest and masse.Malcom X correctly said that when we claim our rights and our freedoms we do under the protection of the law and the Constitution. And so it is for us in Italy.
our economy, our society is like a train travel launched into a wall, and the choice between jumping from a train running from us for as little harm as possible, or stay on the train destined to crash at the end of the race.
I do not have truth, and I do not have the map to the promised land, but only ideas, only possibilities, but knowing the times and understand speech without making a left or right is crucial for the future in a different way, abandoning this system unfair and not at all democratic.
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