Monday, March 30, 2009

Is Microfiber The Same As Microsuede?

Hello everyone here's my latest design!
Executed in oil on paper as usual A4 size.
are not completely satisfied, I honestly could have done better:
have gone too many days of work completion, because of the limited time available to devote to the design due to work, and when this happens I start to get bored of illustration, unfortunately it is my big problem. Hello

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Private Jet Milena Velba

Women on Women with Dragon robot Fantasy Portrait sketch

Phoyoshoppata! HELLO

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Company Speeches Sample

Hello everyone I'm back, this time with a Sketch of oil produced.
did not start with a pencil, but directly with the colors:
I started with a base of brown with a touch of scarlet, with which I have called the masses, but did not get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe character.
After defining the masses have started to add the midtones trying to make sense of the masses, deciding what to achieve, and that particular place.
Finally I added the light and dark.
Obviously I made changes, especially the arms, which even with the traditional means you can do it, just go on with the darkness with which we started. Hello